~ Fourth Hand September 2-6
~ Fifth Hand September 7-11
~ Sixth Passage Hand September 12-16
Month of Se'Kara (The Second Turning)
~ First Hand September 17-21
~ Second Hand September 22-26 Wagon People-The Passing of Turia
The Fair of Se'Kara
~ Third Hand September 27-October 1
The month of September straddles TWO Gorean months. The 6th Gorean month (as yet unnamed) and the month of Se'Kara. There are not alot of celebrations according to the books during this time period, and while we know there are a number of celebrations that do take place, it would be easy to just pick a date. In the spirit of listing these according to what is in the books, and make it easier to celebrate them in a roleplay enviroinment, we will keep it to strictly according to the books.
The Wagon Peoples war among themselves, but once in every two hands of years, there is a time of gathering of the peoples, and this, I had learned, was that time. In the thinking of the Wagon Peoples it is called the Omen Year, though the Omen Year is actually a season, rather than a year, which occupies a part of two of their regular years, for the Wagon Peoples calculate the year from the Season of Snows to the Season of Snows; Turians, incidentally, figure the year from summer solstice to summer solstice; Goreans generally, on the other hand, figure the year from vernal equinox to vernal equinox, their new year beginning, like nature's, with the spring; the Omen Year, or season, lasts several months, and consists of three phases, called the Passing of Turia, which takes place in the fall; the Wintering, which takes place north of Turia and commonly south of the Cartius, the equator of course lying to the north in this hemisphere; and the Return to Turia, in the spring, or, as the Wagon Peoples say, in the Season of Little Grass. It is near Turia, in the spring, that the Omen Year is completed, when the omens are taken, usually over several days by hundreds of haruspexes, mostly readers of bosk blood and verr livers, to determine if they are favorable for a choosing of a Ubar San, a One Ubar, a Ubar who would be High Ubar, a Ubar of all the Wagons, a Ubar of all the Peoples, one who could lead them as one people.Nomads of Gor Book 4 Page 11
The fair of Se'Kara is one of the great sardar fairs, which occur four times a year. As mentioned before, its a great celebration, a time where heads of castes meet. A grand celebration, grand meetings, grand games, a huge time of pleasures. The fairs, as told previously, all Goreans must visit at least one of these fairs at least once in their lifetime, before they turn of age.