In the world of online. Actually in the world of roleplay, whether its real life lifestyle role play, or virtual world role play. Each of us draws a line. We might not realize it at first. But its there. It might be vague, blurred and inconspictuous at first. It does however, exist.
"3 Day capture"
"30 Minute Idle"
"No permanent cap"
"No Rape"
"No dismemberment"
Of course there are more then this, the list is virtually endless. If you can dream of it, it can be a 'line' you do not want to go past. Have a kink you are particular against? There's another line.
Some 'Lines" might seem like common sense. However in this world, that is lacking in common sense, allot of individuals feel the need to list them.
This is not a bad thing.
The problem is when it gets out of hand. 30 Minute Idle? We all know what that means. If you leave them idle for 30 minutes, as a slave they will just magically disappear no matter how firmly you have 'bound' them to whatever furniture you might have had in mind at the time.
Cage? forget it, its suddenly empty.
While there are understandable reasons for this. This is problematic for those who rather enjoy immersive roleplay.
You have every right to enjoy your role play
You also have every right to EXPERIENCE the role play your taking part in.
I don't mean just the fun things. Everyone clings to the idea that "This is my playtime, if its not fun forget it". This is the antithesis I think of what is Gorean. Gor is not always fun. Its not always a blast. Gor is a harsh cruel world where many things can happen without prediction.
We have a wealth of information within John Normans books on how to role play goreans from a number of 'societies' and 'Cities'. The author also lets it be known quite clearly many times what is 'common'; and what is NOT. This is why we get problematic arguments on what is by the book and what isn't.
A slave being caged for 3 days? Not uncommon. In Witness of Gor the main slave is caged for weeks with little contact. SHE IS however engaged on occassion, she is brought food, her water bowl and defuse pail are changed daily. Her bedding, whatever is provided is changed often.
"My time is precious"
Yes. Your time is precious. So is mine. In the spirit of this, I have to ask. Why are you in Gor? Why are you role playing within the environment of Gor?
I can tell you this much, myself I come to Gor to explore the world. WHATEVER that might entail. The good, the bad.. the rather ugly.
Many times I am left wondering "Why is this person here. Why should I bother role playing with them if they can't grasp that simple tenet of role play?"
It's really pretty simple. I shouldn't be. However every time you say no to role play. You are robbing from yourself. You are stealing from those around you the OPPORTUNITY to role play something predicable.
I have known of some Free women who have been captured who remained with their captive 6 months or longer. THEY didn't get role play every day even tho THEY WHERE there, role playing.
Why? Why continue? Something drew you in. Something in one of the books? Something you experienced with a Gorean role player somewhere down the lines? Only you can really answer that question.
The joy of Gor, in role playing in it, has always been; At least for me, the joy in abandoning the real world, for something completely fictitious. Throwing myself into something that I can immerse within, a rich world we know allot about by simply reading and evaluating what has been written about it in the (33 and counting) novels.
My time is precious. So is yours. Everything you do, every role, every situation you take part of is precious. You should look at it seriously and consider what you can best make of the role play in front of you.
Do you think your potential role play partner will value you in the future if you find yourself unable to follow through?