Monday, December 16, 2013

Where is it.. 'That Gor..."

Where did it go?  You know what I mean, I  am talking about 'That Gor.."

I came to telnet chat.. to irc.. even eventually to Second Life, looking for 'That Gor'

What is it?  What do I define as 'That Gor' ?

Its very simple, its the Gor, from the books, roleplayed well, and as strict as possible, I did not come looking for drama, for one person to constantly question another about validity of roleplay, or if someone was doing something wrong.  By the way, you most likely are.

That said.

My Gor, my Gor is a place where if a slave is wearing a skirt, or any sort of clothing, it could be taken from her for any reason. Forget if she did something wrong, if her owner decided she should be stripped, she was stripped.

My Gor, is a place where a slave is welcome whipped the moment the collar graces her neck, she learns the value of obedience, and avoiding that whip.  She also learns that you have it in you to certainly DO that whipping.  To often I have seen someone say 'I cant do that, that's not me',  My first retort to them, then you shouldn't be IN Gor.. you wont keep a slave, you wont have the ability to role play anything near what Gor is supposed to be.

My Gor, is a place that makes you feel alive, your heart pounding.  This goes the same for MEN as well as WOMEN, for slaves as well, regardless of gender.

My Gor is a place where when you backhand a slave, or a free woman for displeasing you, you stop, and think, you wonder if those around you and question you, attack you, or applaud you.  This Gor seems to have gone.  One of them exists mainly, the one where they attack you.

My Gor is a place where you can truly act the Gorean man as YOU see him, and build your 'character' in a decently built Gorean environment, and expect 'tit for tat' in role play, without being meta gamed, or forced into illogical role play.  My Gor, is a place where people actually took time to read each others posts if it concerned them.

Admittedly, keeping up can be hard, but to have Gor fall so far behind the standards of what it SHOULD be?  I need to wonder...

My Gor, is a place where your heart races cause you made a mistake, and you could be collared, or killed for it, if someone caught you.  Where you take PERSONAL responsibility for your part in the roleplay REGARDLESS of how it might be interpreted by others.

My Gor, is harsh, unyeilding, unquestionably a black or white unfair barbaric environment, and in that I find the exquisite beauty that I would enjoy.

Some say that Gor is gone, never to return, I hear stories occasionally, and on the occasion I speak to someone, 'oh I know your type, yea, your type came through about 5 years ago.. 3 years ago.. 6 months ago.. they left however, for more fertile grounds.. a better place, somewhere they could be themselves..'

This is drek, this is impossible, this is the nature of insanity.  'That Gor' the Gor we are seeking, the roleplay, the world, the environment, this exact environment, INTELLIGENTLY role played, with a sense of abandonment of any earth issues, for even 30 minutes of your time, is vital to us, this is found, it is not lost, however its up to each, and every single one of us, to revive it.  Its not lost, its not mysteriously moved, it moves with us, it travels from one forum to another, WITH US, its spirit and meanings follow US, its us who let it down.

Its us who allow that feeling, that sense of adventure, that sense of wonder when we stand up, and make that singular post that might well define us, its us, that when the chips get tough, cause some complete and utter moron says 'but the books do not say anything about that' or worse yet 'this passage argues you cant do that', we abandon 'That Gor'.  That Gor which is the purview of the strong, of those who take what they wish, those who are rightly strong enough to own women, the vital lovely creatures that could inflame nations to war...

Its us that fail Gor

Where is that Gor?

Its in you.  Let it out, let it LIVE.

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