Thursday, December 1, 2011

Happy Gorean Holidays

Every year about this time we start to hear the familiar expressions.. Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays.. Merry GORMAS..


As humans from earth, roleplaying in a very fictional land we fight sometimes against introducing non-Gorean elements into our Roleplay, or our discussions.  Being By The Book is a standard most try to strive for, however we fail in these things when it comes to the holidays.

So what does it mean to celebrate Gormas in the strictest sense?  The Gorean holidays around December, or what December equates to on Gor, is rather simple.

The Fair of Se`Var 
(December 21st-December 30th)

New Years Soltice - Wagon People
(December 21st)

Our Christmas, takes place during the Gorean month of Se`Var, also known as 'The Second Resting'.  This is the TENTH month of the Gorean year, far from the end.  This gives at least two gorean events to celebrate.  This puts the 2nd and 3rd hand of Se`Var at the center of our holidays in December.

The Fairs.  We know of course that there are FOUR fairs held during the year, the fair of Se`Var is the last one of the Gorean year, this is the last opportunity for some individuals to travel 'before their 18th year' to be in accordance with priest kings rules for the general populace of the fictional world.

Why is this fair significant during Christmas?  Remember, in the Christmas story, Mary and Joseph had to travel for a mandatory census to Jeruselum, and to pay taxes.  While Goreans wouldnt need to travel far to pay their taxes to their town, or city, the mandatory census is the closest thing we could use to compare.

Celebrate the Fair of Se`Var, use it to make a pillgramage to your original home, or to your home, to your culture of origins in Gor.  Use it to create some roleplay, and to delve into a new reality within roleplay.  

Come Celebrate the fair of Se`Var in Second Life at The Sardar Passage.

The Wintering & Solstice.  This period of time extends from late November through to the second hand of Se`Kara.  

The Wintering was not unpleasant, although, even so far north, the days and nights were often quite chilly; the Wagon Peoples and their slaves as well, wore boskhide and furs during this time; both male and female, slave or free, wore furred boots and trousers, coats and the flopping, ear-flapped caps that tied under the chin; in this time there was often no way to mark the distinction between the free woman and the slave girl, save that the hair of the later must needs be unbound; in some cases, of course, the Turian collar was visible, if worn on the outside of the coat, usually under the furred collar; the men, too, free and slave, were dressed similarly, save that the Kajiri, or he-slaves, wore shackles, usually with a run of about a foot of chain.
Nomads of Gor, chapter eight, page 59

The Solstice, is effectively the new year for the wagon people, the start of something fresh, its a singular day to celebrate.  

This whole idea of Gormas.. seems needless.  Gor offers plenty of opportunties to stay 'in character' as you celebrate the holidays at Christmas time, and other seasons not-withstanding.  

I recall years ago, back when I was a youngun in Gor, in a place once called 'Worlds End'. The rules where simple. Be Gorean, or Go.  Expectations where no less simple.  Do not cross introduce real world, or real life practices into the roleplay escapist environment of Gor.  

Now... off to find out if Goreans celebrated birthdays...

Oralu of the Tuchuk

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Men, women, and .. Gorean roles.

If you have read one of the books, pretty much any of the books, you would think it would be pretty straight forward on the whole premise of the story, of the world itself, of the culture, and of what is expected of each person within their defendable circle of their sword, their spear, and yes their bow.

It first started years ago, I was a young Gorean, only a few days over 300 on Gor.. which is quite young when you think about it.

I was still young myself in Gor, in fact, it was within the first year or two of my experiencing this entire construct John Norman has set out for us... I was still getting used to some of the ideas, and adjusting on a couple levels to the atmosphere that should be.

We had a 'girl' come in, and eventually she came to us and explained, that she was a .. gee, I dont know how to say it. and I might have it wrong, so just 'flip' it if it is..

tiffany was actually a girl, who was in a boys body, waiting for gender reassessment surgery.

First of all, you have to know I have mixed feelings about this, and wouldnt get 'mixed up' in real life with someone like this, tho, I would let them live their lives like they have that right.

Now, that said..

 Gor, is a MANS WORLD.



Gor is a world where even SLAVES rejoice in their sexuality and their slavehood.

Well.. presuming they are not working hard in the fields.. or working in the kitchen not getting their needs fulfilled.. but thats another story.

I have seen and heard of a number of things that bother me on ONLINE GOR.  Yes, I am including telnet/MOO chat, PRC, IMVU, Second Life, irc, and any other way we as GOREANS meet, roleplay.. communicate with each other.

This is one of the biggest issues I have.  We have manthers.  Men playing as panthers.  We have manjira's, men playing as kajira.  We have FemWarriors, we have Femasters, et al, et al.

Why do I have an issue with it?  After all, its roleplay, after all its a fictional constructed environment for our enjoyment, why not play what we want, as what we want.


Gor, at its root, at the very source of John Norman's ideas for the world we play in, is a world where men are men, where men do not allow themselves to be weakened to be something other then they are.

Gor at its root, is a world where women, are women, they are not afraid to be women, even tho they might show disgust for slaves, as free women.  As slaves, they fear free woman, but they REJOICE in their gender, they REJOICE in what they are.  Women.

Gor at its root, is about getting around this stigma we on earth have had to suffer through.  I can't speak to whatever 'disease' or 'issue' that some claim puts them in the body of the wrong sex.  Thats not what this is about.

IF YOU ARE A MAN IN REAL LIFE, you should be playing a man in GOR.

IF YOU ARE A WOMAN IN REAL LIFE, you should be playing a woman in GOR.

If you want to gender bend, if you want to mix something up, go play vampland, go play some other fictional world where you might be much better received, where they expect 'wierd-ness'.

To make this matter worse.  While most of us are here to roleplay and not get involved on a Real life level, we have that barrier for a reason.  But keeping your true gender 'secret' becomes a serious issue.

You are a man playing a woman, didnt tell me, and you EXPECT me to trust you?

You are a woman, playing a man, didnt tell me, and you EXPECT me to trust you?

Not bloody likely, if you where a man playing a woman in real life, and I brought you home, I would be seriously pissed.  I would be seriously angry to the point  that  you risked any possible friendship or aquaintency we might have had possible.

Please, gender bending is something you should keep to your real life, or hell, bring it into SL, but keep it out of, and away from  your GOR character.  I expect you to, and I have a reasonable expectation of, the person behind the screen to be the gender your portraying on screen.

  • I can get over the fact your 90 years old, pock marks, and liver spots.  
  • I can get over the fact you might be 500 lbs, and in a wheelchair.
  • I can get over the fact you might be a 60 year old woman without breasts, and with a beard
  • I can even get over the fact you have man-boobs, are 76 years old and are a limp noodle Master.

  • I can get over the fact you have a bald head, or have blond hair, or have red hair
  • I can get over the fact that you have challenges being a proper master
  • I can get over the fact that you have challenges understanding the mindset of a freewoman or kajira.
  • I can get over, the fact, that you are making up 90% of your character and  your not as othewise advertised.

Over a year ago, in second life, I came across a woman avatar in second life.  She admitted to me that she was gender bending.  She was born RL a man, but was really a woman inside.  We had a LONG 6 hour conversation with 'him'.  While in my mind, I can't understand  how you can not be as you where born.  I can, and will, give the benefit of my years of knowledge when asked.  I can, and will, feel for your plight.  I can, and will even, sympathise with the fact you believe you think your a completely different gender.

I can not, and refuse to feel for you, if you are actively hiding such a thing from your role play partners.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Black Ort's Weekly Masters Roundtable

Due to circumstances beyond our control.  Very technical reasons.. the recording was captured by Kur, who take exception to us trying to make men strong, and educate Gor as to what the books put forth to us.

The Kur unfortunately got away, he disappeared into the northen forests, most likely had spoted a soft nuble panther girl to fill his hunger after thieving the recording.

Tonight on Black Ort's Master's Roundtable
Just who's in charge here?:
12 signs you are being "Topped from the bottom." 

You know you're wearing your slut's collar when...
1) Your tag identifies you as your slut's owner.
2) You find yourself defending your slut to others.
3) You speak to them like they are dolls and "darling sugarpie shit"
4) You physically end up chasing your slut around when they are upset.
5) Your pics are devoted to your slut stating your undying love for her.
6) You restrict her from being punished and threaten to kill anyone who touches her.
7) You refuse to RP with any other slave.
8) You forbid her from serving unless she really feels like it.
9) You think she is priceless or worth more than a silver (and that's pushing it)
10)  Your slut gets bored so you leave the RP.
11) You think her insulting thought emotes are cute.
12) You find yourself wearing matching his and hers kilts/silks.

My beast is not a sub:

The difference between submissives and slaves. 

Is that a Quiva in your pocket or are you just glad to see me: a teaching lesson on weapons  

These are Gorean Slaves, HANDS OFF if your not going to be GOREAN

So, slaves exist on Gor.  And I know this is a 'Masters' blog, but we all know, there are probably a fair number of kajira, slaves.. reading it probably trying to get some inside dung on men.. and what we are trying to encourage here.

Guess what, we are wise to you wench's.

So, a slave enters Gor, wonders around with no collar, maybe she collects some 'protected by' offers..  She might even find herself owned by a city, or a school, or even owned privately by a man.  Note I said man, I didn't say 'Gorean Master' cause these are two very different things.

A man describes the gender of an individual.

A Gorean Master describes the STATE OF BEING and MINDSET of  a man.

So this slave, she now is at the mercy of perhaps a slaver, maybe under the tutelage of someone who doesn't exactly KNOW much about Gor, they might not even have read a single book about the world they are trying to role play in.


Really, how does one expect to be able to train a slave, if he hasn't familiarized himself with the product, the environment, the market, how does one create a superior product to enhance the environment he is providing to?  How can you say 'I train slaves' when you have not opened a single book, and rely on second, or third, or even worse.. FOURTH HAND information regurgitated online into one of multiple websites, you have used as a source material, when you cant reference back to the books themselves cause you own them?

Your taking a HUGE chance with the world I like to explore online called GOR.  


You call yourself a slaver, and you don't open a single manual on how to understand the environment?  Would you take your automobile to a mechanic who never fixed a car before? That isn't even educated in the environment you drive it in?  Would let someone who's never opened a computer to service yours?  If you do, your a damned fool taking risks with your property.


From the moment a slave is found on Gor, she is captured, she is enslaved, and she is made INNATELY AWARE of her womanhood, of her natural state, of her slavery.  She is given little choice in the matter, by the rights GOREAN MEN command.  If you can not have claimed to have read a single GOREAN CHRONICLES BOOK, then you have no right to come anywhere near property any true man might take enjoyment in.

In GOR, they do not hang out at the HUB and wait to meet a man of their choosing, that is most likely substandard in his manhood.  Or worse, perhaps its a woman behind a man's avatar, unbeknown st to this new slave who just wants to experience, and learn to be a gorean slave girl.

In Gor, they are not simply 'released' to go on their merry way, they go from collar to collar.. From a private collar, to a slaver, then to another slaver or a private collar...  THEY DON'T GET TO EXPERIENCE PICKING WHO WILL OWN THEM.

EVEN when a man is looking over the property for sale by a slaver, a slave is often told 'beg to be bought' and if she doesn't do with all her heart in EVERY instance, she might get whipped.

SO KEEP YOUR AMATURE weak hands off 

If you can not recognise the differences between what our EARTH societies allow legally, and what we SUSPEND within OUR MINDES for temporary enjoyment of a ROLE PLAY ENVIRONMENT, then you have no business trying to even OWN one of OUR GOREAN SLAVES.

 'You may judge and scorn Goreans as you wish. Know as well however that they judge and scorn you. They fulfill themselves as you do not. Hate them for their pride and power they will pity you for your shame and weakness.'
-- Beasts of Gor, page 11 

If you don't like this, if you really dont like us not wanting you to put your hands on our slaves, on our property, on the women we keep in their places.  If you TRULY do not like the way we role play Gor, and want something more watered down, go ahead and hate us, go ahead and scorn us.  WE ALREADY JUDGE AND SCORN YOU for not having the presence of self to command what you most desire.

We judge, and scorn the world that has created an atmosphere that prevents the nature of mankind.. and womankind. We might obey the laws, we might accept your laws as we live our Gorean selves on your oh so non-Gorean world, but we judge and scorn you for what you have allowed to be done with what we call your rights.

SO, when you come into GOR, into a Gorean chat, a Gorean environment on HTML, TELNET, IRC, SECOND LIFE or any other derivative.. DO NOT expect us to suffer you kindly.

We might educate you, we might take you under our wing if you truly try, but expect us to judge and scorn you if you do not seem to be even trying to take command of yourself, and those things that might fall within the circumference of your sword.  Do not expect less of you, cause we expect so much more of you.  DO NOT EXPECT US TO LOWER OUR EXPECTATIONS, cause you lack the moxy, the inner strength to command something beyond your understanding.

So expect, when I see you as a weak man, collar one of our slaves, expect me, to test that collar, expect me to test your mastery, in any way I see fit.  EXPECT me to do everything I can, to test that INVISIBLE COLLAR that you hold on the girl you claim as yours.

She might just be better off on my collar, neglected, then be on your collar, destroyed.

If I do not test that collar, if I do not test your moxy as a man, as a Master, then know, that if I am walking away from you, I am doing so laughing.. and indeed, crying a bit inside.  For its one less man that might be someone of  honour, to indeed, improve live an honest strong Gor. Know in that moment also, that I have pity on your slave, who will never know the full meaning of her slavery, the joy of being commanded as a slave should be commanded.  Know that while I judge and scorn you, I pity you, that I feel a great sorrow for I have found one less man who might be, well, a man.

If you can not be a strong man, much less a strong Master, then perhaps you should just hand her over to me if you see me, and congratulate me on my new acquisition.

I do not apologise for these thoughts, or for this attitude. Far to many of our slaves, are destroyed by those that do not know how to properly command a slave.  That do not know how to properly enhance a slaves submission.

Please, before I am forced to pity you, and cry a bit more for this Gorean world I love.  PICK UP A BOOK and learn some of what I do, indeed, love.

I wish you well.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Things wrong with Gor -- OOOH NO!!

What? You mean you didn't know?

You honestly had no idea there where things 'wrong' with Gor?

We are of course, discussing ONLINE Gor here, Gor itself, some might say is wrong, but its a fantasy world, in which thousands of people play, and pretend to be something they either are.. or are not.

If you know me at all, you know that I have been in Gor since at the very latest, 2000, which means I have some years under my belt, and I think.. I LIKE to think.. that I've seen it all, however, occassionally, something surprises me.

In fact.. not much does anymore. When you think about all that goes on, all that people complain about, you see very little being done to actually fix it. No wonder some get disappointed and leave. Perfectly good ROLEPLAYERS who try to create stories, and TRY to go with the flow, walk away, cause OOC drama creeps in.

Im a strong proponent for drama, after all, without drama, where would the story be, but, be cause we are all FOOLS OF EARTH, as Goreans would call us, we might not be able to see whats 'obvious'.

DRAMA QUEENS. KEEP your damn drama under control. If you can not deal with drama, I suggest you think twice about what your doing. You cant control how every other character in the SL GorVerse is gonna react.

Without Drama, there is no story, if there is no story, then there is no roleplay.. if there is no roleplay.. WHY THE HELL ARE WE HERE???

Hmm, I feel like I am rambling.. anyways, here is what I wish I could see happen in Gor, and no, not just secondlife, you irc citizens can do this too.

Thigns wrong with Gor.
  1. Eject-Ban. Unless you have someone thats an obvious idiot.. who wont follow roleplay, this is very much warrented. If you want someone NOT to return to your sim, your city, your camp.. or your 'channel'. Then haul that person up to a magistrate, or Ubar/Administrator of your town, and have a judgement passed. Make an event of the damn drama. Show proof how what the person does, disrupts city life, how they damage the city, your home. Show proof how what they do improves city life.. and enjoyment. Enough of us watch crime drama, and law drama shows, why not 'recreate' it in a Gorean environment.. THEN.. and ONLY then, does the magistrate make a decision. Do a ROLEPLAY ban, issue edicts that the individual should not enter the lands.. under punishment of slavery.. or working in the mines.. or whatever you decide. Perhaps even death. But ROLEPLAY the damn thing. Follow the steps, make it enjoyable for those that want to have fun. And to those that wnt you just to ban them and be done with it, tell them thats NOT how its done, and if they REALLY take issue with what someone has done.. they will put on a good show for the "banishment". ITS AS EASY AS THAT!
  2. MEN. Oh my skys. MEN, you need to 'learn' how to be men? Watch a Conan movie.. watch 'anything' that puts you in the mood for the mindset for commanding women, before you enter online Gor. Im open to suggestoins if someone has any, on a good movie listings that might help put you in the appropriate mindset. Yes, the books work, reading a chapter before logging in would help. But damnit, be a man, and take control. The free women running the show? GUESS WHAT, you put them in control with your disinterest.
  3. WOMEN. GOR is a MANS WORLD. ME MAN, you WOMAN, *thumps chest* you come now.. *grabs you by hair and drags you off to his humble home* THIS Is the way it is in Gor. Need protection? Hire someone to protect you and dont go anywhere without him. BETTER YET, find someone to take you as a Free Companion. If he is respected, and you behave, then you shouldnt have **MUCH** to worry about.
  4. SLAVES. Oh my skys.. dont get me started. Some of you are the worst, and yes, the men have allowed it. But you have taken it to a new level I've not seen before. 30 minute limits? 24 hour limites? 3 day limits? COME ON. Enoughs ENOUGH. I encourage you to follow through with the roleplay. Think about it this way. IT WILL PREVENT THAT BORDOM you feel while your waiting 'MASTER' to login, or when he is distracted with a conversatoin with someone. When you commit yourself to 'traveling' and 'causing trouble'. YOU ARE COMMITED. You went into someone elses zone of influence.. and got their attention. YOU ARE NOW AT THEIR MERCY. I have some other comments that I was considering putting here.. but they apply to 'all of the above' instead of one 'group' in Gor. So make sure you read on. Slaves, you are bought, you are sold, you are property, you do not 'generally' go running around, wandering, between cities, or the streets with no collar on, without an escort of some sort. yes, some allowances must be made cause of the nature of online roleplay, but its gotten out of control. I have seriously seen slaves just poof, YOU SHOULD at least do 15-30 minutes of 'escape' roleplay. After all, YOU deserve it. Pass them a notecard.. and be done with it.
Now, this I blame ALL OF THE ABOVE for.

When you go afk, when you have to leave to Real life, when you need to log out, PLEASE, PLEASE speak with your Roleplay partner.. for a time to meet up to finish the roleplay.. or to continue it. I have seen some go 4 months trapped in a cave.. with no way out, RPing whatever they needed to to keep themselves from going out of their mind (excluding OOC events and chores such as running a business). WE NEED TO HAVE mutual respect for each other on the base roleplay level. I personally have waited 3 hours for someone to return. I can find other thigns to do, chat in groups, chat in IM's clean inventory (DONT YOU DARE SAY YOU HAVE A SPOTLESS CLEAN INVENTORY.. it doesnt exist!!) Build something.. read a book, etc. There is always something you can pass the time with. I spent a week in the infirmary.. I would cam out to build something in a back ally.. to occupy my time and mind while I waited for someone to come RP the next part.

I know, I ramble.. I am even full of myself.. in a lot of things. But I just dont understand why we need to have so many limits. Why we need to have.. why we indeed LET so many wrongs creep into our Gor roleplay.

And, to those that say.. 'Why do I need to read a book to roleplay Gor' I answer.. BECAUSE YOU CANT EVEN FAKE IT RIGHT IF YOU DONT HAVE THE BASICS DOWN or are unwilling to learn.

Grab a book, read a chapter a day. You'll get through 6+ books in a year.

Masters Round Table with Black Ort - June 19th, 2011

Created by Black Ort, on June 19th, 2011 at the Gorean University in Second Life.

A conversation on Gorean community, and Gorean Mastery.