Sunday, June 30, 2013

Celebrating Gor - The month of July

Month of En'Var (The First Resting)
~Third Hand (June 29-July 3)
~Fourth Hand (July 4-8)
~Fifth Hand (July 9-13)
Fourth Passage Hand (July 14-18)

Fifth Month
~First Hand (July 19-23)
~Second Hand (July 24-28)
~Third Hand (July 29 -August 2)

As Goreans each month we celebrate earth based holidays. Heres our guide to assist you in role-playing Gorean based event in the month of July.

The month of July actually straddles two different Gorean months.

According to all the books by John Norman, we only have names for some of the months, some are of course more obvious then others. The month of July starts off with the third hand of En'Var. It also ends in the fifth month, at the third hand. En'Var of course is one of the major fair periods where those who have turned of age, must make a pilgramage to the Sardar fairs.

While we do not have any confirmed celebrations from the books that take place in the month of July, you might find the actual En'Var fair take place.

One huge celebration of note, is not so much a gorean event, but it I believe it would fit well with Gorean thought. Relay for life ussually runs through the year until July 14th of 2013. In Gorean terms, the fourth passage hand of the month of En'Var.

If your curious about the Relay for life, check it out here

While John Norman has not written much about specific holidays during this time period in our month of July, we do know from hint dropped in Outlaw of Gor, that the Caste of Initiates does have a variety of feast and celebrations throughout the year. So it goes to reason, that each caste might have their own celebratory event. These however would not be strictly 'BY THE BOOK'.

Unless of course, Mr Norman decides to use it in a upcoming book.

Good luck this month with your event and celebrations!

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