Thursday, March 4, 2010

Masters Creed?

Almost any slave worth her value, and most Masters should be able to recount the 'slaves creed' found in the books. The creed is designed to help the slave know her place, and adjust her mindset for her slavery.

Is there a Masters Creed? Many believe that if a man needs a 'creed', he is not a Master, he shouldnt be in Gor, and that he needs more then might be taught to him.

I think they are wrong.

So I went seeking for some sort of Creed that could be used for men, strong men who would be Masters of themselves, and others, and rather then write something off the top of my head, I went to google, should be easy right?


I found a wealth of links to a Masters Creed, which is nothing more then BDSM brovado, intended to make the SUBMISSIVE feel good that she wont be overly abused.

It is ungorean to leave your strength behind in times of chaos and panic, that is the exact time your strength is needed. Its the wisdom to weigh it carefully which is what should be focused on....

I eventually, coming full circle, back to the books. In the books we can find many things that could be adopted as a Masters Creed.

You need look no further then the codes of a Warrior. While many of them are intended ONLY for the warrior caste, is not every man a warrior, would not every FREE MAN fight for the right to own what he would, fight for his freedom, to take up arms to defend his home?

I previously posted the Warriors Maxim, much of that could be adopted as the Warriors Creed, but there is MUCH MUCH more in the Warriors Codes that could be adopted...

Some examples.

-1st Aphorism of the Codes-
A dull blade does not cut. A weak spear does not pierce. A rent
shield does not defend. A soft heart does not conquer. A slow
mind does not win.

Be what you are, do what you might, think and act.

3rd Aphorism of the Codes-
The softest of things in the world penetrates swiftly the hardest.
Insubstantial, it enters in where no room is, and conquers.

Every goal has a tool to use, find it, use it to the best of its ability.

-92nd Aphorism of the Codes-
A Warrior treats his properties and chattels with care, lest they fall
fallow due to lack of his attentions.

Strangely this one jumps right out, chattels... includes everything a man might own, EVERYTHING, from female flesh, to the sword his life might depend on.

-41st Aphorism of the Codes-
It is wisdom to know others; it is Mastery to know oneself. The
Master of men is powerful; the Master of himself is greater.
Endurance is to live long and die; Mastery is to die and not perish.

Even though you might die, you shall not perish, your works, and memories will live on in those you fought for, and owned. SO be a Master, master yourself, and be POWERFUL therein.

-84th Aphorism of the Codes-
A Warrior's word is not to be questioned.

A warriors word. Is clear, its unequivable, so should a Masters in general, should not be debated, should not be debased, it should be simply there, existant and accepted. It should be every MANS goal, to make it so of their own word, this is honour, this is the Gorean male at its best.

Perhaps the best of these, the most simple of all the codes of the Warriors, encompasses what it might mean to be a Gorean Master, a man of power.

-43rd Aphorism of the Codes-
Watch. Observe. See. Know. Understand. Act.


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