Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The First Post

Free and Proud

Abnoxious and Stuffed up

Chauvinistic and woman haters....

We are Free and Proud, but the rest, well maybe Chauvinistic, I will gladly accept that label, however the rest.. belongs with bosk dung in the sack.

This group is for the Gorean Male, who must learn to hold his own in a truely Gorean environment and measure his movements and defendable actions with some care.

With this in mind, we are partnered with Black Ort of Secondlife, who broadcasts a weekly show in Splintered Radio called Masters Round Table at 7PM PDT/SLT (Pacific for non Secondlifers, and Second Life time for those in-world)

Master's Round Table Discussion

To join us in person, use this landmark and then take the teleport down to the tavern.
Gorean Pleasure Silk University

Can't be there in person?
Listen in on Splintered Radio, and feel free to IM Black Ort with your views and questions.
Just open up winamp (or your favorite flavor of media player) and tell it to play this URL:

In WinAmp-Under the File menu, its is Play URL
In Windows Media Player-Under the File menu, its is Open URL
in iTunes-Under the Advanced menu, it is Open Audio Stream


The views expressed in this program are solely the property of Black Ort and not necessarily those of the Splitered Radio Ownership. Any issues or disagreements should be address with Black Ort and not Splintered Radio.

Presented by the Gorean Pleasure Silk University, for the good of Gorean education.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Godric for the starting mention of my show, and "Well Said" to your opening remarks. Rally here Free Men, Masters, to grow in your role and help others like you do so.
