Friday, February 19, 2010

The Warrior Codes -- Part 1 (5 Maxims)


-First Maxim-

When honor is due, let honor be done.

When as the last time you did honour to someone who did who honoured you? When was the last time you granted honour to another who did honour you?

-Second Maxim-

Honor the Home Stone which is yours to honor.

HONOUR THE HOME STONE, this is not a hard thing to do, honouring the homestone does not mean leaving it when times get rough, or easy, it does not mean leaving for better positions without at least consultation, are you a mercenary, or a warrior keeping to the codes? The HOME STONE, is not something you abandon easily, without great cause or pain.

-Third Maxim-

Know those who are free, and honor their freedom.

Know those that are free around you, they will show they are by their actions, and will be willing to die for their Freedom, they will in short use anything at their disposal to honour their freedom, you should honour them likewise, they hold freedom in high value

-Fourth Maxim-

Deeds, not words, shall you be measured by.

STOP SAYING what you will do, STOP stating that you will recruit, or improve yourself, or do this or that, DO start acting, get to the damn arena for another hour or two a week. Get to the HUB or do more group networking to recruit others into your town.

DO be a mentor to others who would be of your caste, and show them a way, this is how you should, and will be measured over all

-Fifth Maxim-

No man is alone who is the friend of steel.

nuff said, but slave flesh is so much sexier and comforting.. but then, if you have that steel, simply 'TAKE' the bit of slave flesh.


The above might be the 5 Maxim's of a Warrior, but all men in Gor would do well to at least START living by them as a guide line. You might pick up a sword and place a helm on your head, and think yourself a warrior, but you are nothing even close, especially if you do not keep the codes of the Caste of Warriors.


  1. The 1st. Maxim ties so well with the 1st. Characteristic of a Master: Honor in all.

  2. These would be highly instructive, if any of them actually appeared in the books... anywhere.
