Monday, December 16, 2013

Where is it.. 'That Gor..."

Where did it go?  You know what I mean, I  am talking about 'That Gor.."

I came to telnet chat.. to irc.. even eventually to Second Life, looking for 'That Gor'

What is it?  What do I define as 'That Gor' ?

Its very simple, its the Gor, from the books, roleplayed well, and as strict as possible, I did not come looking for drama, for one person to constantly question another about validity of roleplay, or if someone was doing something wrong.  By the way, you most likely are.

That said.

My Gor, my Gor is a place where if a slave is wearing a skirt, or any sort of clothing, it could be taken from her for any reason. Forget if she did something wrong, if her owner decided she should be stripped, she was stripped.

My Gor, is a place where a slave is welcome whipped the moment the collar graces her neck, she learns the value of obedience, and avoiding that whip.  She also learns that you have it in you to certainly DO that whipping.  To often I have seen someone say 'I cant do that, that's not me',  My first retort to them, then you shouldn't be IN Gor.. you wont keep a slave, you wont have the ability to role play anything near what Gor is supposed to be.

My Gor, is a place that makes you feel alive, your heart pounding.  This goes the same for MEN as well as WOMEN, for slaves as well, regardless of gender.

My Gor is a place where when you backhand a slave, or a free woman for displeasing you, you stop, and think, you wonder if those around you and question you, attack you, or applaud you.  This Gor seems to have gone.  One of them exists mainly, the one where they attack you.

My Gor is a place where you can truly act the Gorean man as YOU see him, and build your 'character' in a decently built Gorean environment, and expect 'tit for tat' in role play, without being meta gamed, or forced into illogical role play.  My Gor, is a place where people actually took time to read each others posts if it concerned them.

Admittedly, keeping up can be hard, but to have Gor fall so far behind the standards of what it SHOULD be?  I need to wonder...

My Gor, is a place where your heart races cause you made a mistake, and you could be collared, or killed for it, if someone caught you.  Where you take PERSONAL responsibility for your part in the roleplay REGARDLESS of how it might be interpreted by others.

My Gor, is harsh, unyeilding, unquestionably a black or white unfair barbaric environment, and in that I find the exquisite beauty that I would enjoy.

Some say that Gor is gone, never to return, I hear stories occasionally, and on the occasion I speak to someone, 'oh I know your type, yea, your type came through about 5 years ago.. 3 years ago.. 6 months ago.. they left however, for more fertile grounds.. a better place, somewhere they could be themselves..'

This is drek, this is impossible, this is the nature of insanity.  'That Gor' the Gor we are seeking, the roleplay, the world, the environment, this exact environment, INTELLIGENTLY role played, with a sense of abandonment of any earth issues, for even 30 minutes of your time, is vital to us, this is found, it is not lost, however its up to each, and every single one of us, to revive it.  Its not lost, its not mysteriously moved, it moves with us, it travels from one forum to another, WITH US, its spirit and meanings follow US, its us who let it down.

Its us who allow that feeling, that sense of adventure, that sense of wonder when we stand up, and make that singular post that might well define us, its us, that when the chips get tough, cause some complete and utter moron says 'but the books do not say anything about that' or worse yet 'this passage argues you cant do that', we abandon 'That Gor'.  That Gor which is the purview of the strong, of those who take what they wish, those who are rightly strong enough to own women, the vital lovely creatures that could inflame nations to war...

Its us that fail Gor

Where is that Gor?

Its in you.  Let it out, let it LIVE.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Celebrating Gor - The Month of September

~ Third Hand August 28-September 1
~ Fourth Hand September 2-6 
~ Fifth Hand September 7-11
~ Sixth Passage Hand September 12-16

Month of Se'Kara (The Second Turning)

~ First Hand September 17-21
~ Second Hand September 22-26 Wagon People-The Passing of Turia
                                                       The Fair of Se'Kara 
~ Third Hand September 27-October 1 

The month of September straddles TWO Gorean months.  The 6th Gorean month (as yet unnamed) and the month of Se'Kara.  There are not alot of celebrations according to the books during this time period, and while we know there are a number of celebrations that do take place, it would be easy to just pick a date.  In the spirit of listing these according to what is in the books, and make it easier to celebrate them in a roleplay enviroinment, we will keep it to strictly according to the books.

The Wagon Peoples war among themselves, but once in every two hands of years, there is a time of gathering of the peoples, and this, I had learned, was that time. In the thinking of the Wagon Peoples it is called the Omen Year, though the Omen Year is actually a season, rather than a year, which occupies a part of two of their regular years, for the Wagon Peoples calculate the year from the Season of Snows to the Season of Snows; Turians, incidentally, figure the year from summer solstice to summer solstice; Goreans generally, on the other hand, figure the year from vernal equinox to vernal equinox, their new year beginning, like nature's, with the spring; the Omen Year, or season, lasts several months, and consists of three phases, called the Passing of Turia, which takes place in the fall; the Wintering, which takes place north of Turia and commonly south of the Cartius, the equator of course lying to the north in this hemisphere; and the Return to Turia, in the spring, or, as the Wagon Peoples say, in the Season of Little Grass. It is near Turia, in the spring, that the Omen Year is completed, when the omens are taken, usually over several days by hundreds of haruspexes, mostly readers of bosk blood and verr livers, to determine if they are favorable for a choosing of a Ubar San, a One Ubar, a Ubar who would be High Ubar, a Ubar of all the Wagons, a Ubar of all the Peoples, one who could lead them as one people.
Nomads of Gor     Book 4     Page 11

The fair of Se'Kara is one of the great sardar fairs, which occur four times a year.  As mentioned before, its a great celebration, a time where heads of castes meet.  A grand celebration, grand meetings, grand games, a huge time of pleasures.  The fairs, as told previously, all Goreans must visit at least one of these fairs at least once in their lifetime, before they turn of age.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Celebrating Gor - The month of August

Fifth Month
~Third Hand (July 29 -August 2)
~Fourth Hand (August 3-7)
~Fifth Hand (August 8-12) Kajuralia in Ar
Fifth Passage Hand (August 13-17) Love Feast in Ar

Sixth Month
~First Hand (August 18-22)
~Second Hand (August 23-27)
~Third Hand (August 28-Sept. 1)

The month of August straddles two seperate Gorean months again.  Todate, John Norman has not seen fit to name them.  

There are two specific celebration we can hold during this month.  The Love Feasts of Ar, which may or may not have variations within other cities, we know that when Kajuralia is mentioned, most citie hold such a event, only dates, or times of year might change.  Here however it DOES take place in Ar.

The Kajuralia celebration 

This is more of a extreme version of a Sadie Hawkins dance, where slaves have no limits, where they run wild.  During this time you will find slaves doing just about anything that pleases them.  Including, but not limited to 'turn about is fair play' where occassionally men are captured and put to their use. Keep in mind, the day after Kajuralia ends, these same slaves, slide back into their comfort level.  You know, I have often thought, what if Kajuralia is practiced more often in Second Life Gor, what if  we allowed all the slaves to have a day where they can run wild.  Might we have less to worry about when it comes to them sliding into 'princess tiara mode'.
By all accounts, its takes place for approximately ONE HAND, which is our equivalent of a week.

Love Feasts of Ar 

This festival takes place according to established 'canon' right after 'slaves gone wild' or as it more widely known, kajuralia (See above)

On the other hand, the single greatest period for the sale of slaves is the five days of the Fifth Passage Hand, coming late in summer, called jointly the Love Feast.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 193

Many houses would doubtless have put them up for sale in En'Kara but Cernus, as I had heard, was saving them for the Love Feast, which occupies the five days of the fifth passage hand, falling late in the summer. There was a variety of reasons why he was postponing their sale. The most obvious was that good prices are commanded on the Love Feast. 
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 205

in the late summer, during the Fifth Passage Hand, on the Love Feast.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 211

on the last day of the fifth month, which is the day preceding the Love Feast.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 229

The Love Feast, incidentally, as I may have mentioned, occupies the full five days of the Fifth Passage Hand, occurring late in summer. It is also a time of great feasting, of races and games. Cernus, sensing the temper and curiosity of the crowds, had determined to make them wait for his surprise delights, over a hundred Of them, whose supposed qualities of beauty and skill, enhanced by the mysterious aura of barbaric origin, had been for months the object of ever more eager rumors and excited speculations. Many were the furious Gorean slave girls who found themselves, early in the Love Feast, forced to ascend the block, while buyers were still waiting, before the larger quantities of gold would be spent, to be sold for prices less than they might otherwise have won for themselves under the conditions of a more normal market. The evening of the fourth day of the Love Feast is usually taken as its climax from the point of view of slave sales. The fifth day, special races and games are celebrated, regarded by many Goreans as the fitting consummation of the holidays. These games are among the most heavily attended and important of the year.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 281

The Ubar's Race is the final and climactic race of the Love Feast.
Assassin of Gor     Book 5     Page 335

Slavers remain active all year on Gor, but the peak seasons for slaving are the spring and early summer. This has to do with such matters as the weather, and the major markets associated with certain feasts and holidays, for example, the Love Feast in Ar, which occurs in the late summer, occupying the full five days of the Fifth Passage Hand.
Players of Gor     Book 20     Page 13

For all intensive purposes, its a time of great celebration.  Perhaps on a level one might consider similar to the sardar fair.  Just held in Ar.  While at the same time being a major source for sales among slaving houses, it is a time of many games, probably not unlike celebratons like 'The Thing' in Torvaldsland.

The rest of the month of our month of August seems to be celebration free, at least so far, until John Norman deems the need to include something else.  This does NOT mean we can not find something to celebrate, a variation on a theme of these perhaps, or on others held throughout the year.

Celebrating Gor,

Godric Kharg

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Know when to change your Gorean Roleplay!

There is a question every owner, and every slave must face over time, and that is simple.  When to fight to keep what was, and when to agree that its time to move on.  There are multiple components to this not the least of is each others feelings behind the screen, and in character. 

Keep in mind, that while we do attempt to remain in a by the book gorean environment, and keep the mindset a gorean might have, in their culture, a MASTER does not HAVE to decide to do anything, in fact they can decide NOT to decide.  The only downside of this is the other party involved.  Is damage being done?  Are you loosing a friend, outside of the character play?  

Yes, true, its supposed to be role play, however how can you get role play unless you feel some very direct and very potent emotions.  Of course they need to be controlled, guided, and monitored, how else can a slave find that inner drive to serve or wish to die instead of displeasing?  How many slave have you seen that simply decide one day not to log in.  They either go create another account, and start life anew under another name, or they leave, and never come back.  Both actually hurt Gor in Second life, both do a tremendous mount of damage in fact.

We need to be careful and yet still, keep within character, find a solution, find a path regardless of how badly it might hurt. 

I know from personal experience in the past when you loose that connection with a slave, its painful.  I can only imagine how painful it must be for someone who claims they are a natural slave.

Those of us that have actually read the books, and actually have interest in immersion into the gorean lifestyle even if just in a role-play environment, understand this clearly.  However it can be difficult at the same time, as there are strong emotions sometimes that come into play.

When do decide to move on, when do you decide it is not worth fighting?  Well, each situation is different.  Is the slave abandoned?  Does she have real life contact with her owner.  How deeply is she submitted to him.

How long has your slave been gone, will she return?

Have you had to take an extended 'vacation' from Gor, and are now returning, hoping to pick up where you left off, with your kajira?  Its not so easy, the slave has most probably remained behind, and may have gotten attached to someone else.  Do you force it/?  A true slave would return, however unless her new owner has taken steps to ensure he is the owner..   this means taking legal steps in role-play.  How often do we see this? Rarely if ever.

My point here is not that a slave isn't a slave if she doesn't return to her absentee owner, its that we jump to, and expect things to be automatic.  Why do more of us not role play it?  A slave never exists without a collar, or ownership in some way.  Sure she might be wandering, but she belongs to someone.  Sure she might not have a collar on but he belongs to someone.  Sure, she is always, always, always owned.  This a fact of Gor, 
There should be more role-play on these smaller things.  Done with a lave   Do not jut release her, free her you give her papers of manumission, free her and you are telling her she is worth nothing, not even an attempt to find a owner, not even a town slaver?  Every person deserves that respect, even the slaves.

Slaves should respect themselves more, but turning this into role-play.  I knew a girl who was stuck in a tower for 6 months, she role played it well, even with some of the surrounding drama.  

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Celebrating Gor - The month of July

Month of En'Var (The First Resting)
~Third Hand (June 29-July 3)
~Fourth Hand (July 4-8)
~Fifth Hand (July 9-13)
Fourth Passage Hand (July 14-18)

Fifth Month
~First Hand (July 19-23)
~Second Hand (July 24-28)
~Third Hand (July 29 -August 2)

As Goreans each month we celebrate earth based holidays. Heres our guide to assist you in role-playing Gorean based event in the month of July.

The month of July actually straddles two different Gorean months.

According to all the books by John Norman, we only have names for some of the months, some are of course more obvious then others. The month of July starts off with the third hand of En'Var. It also ends in the fifth month, at the third hand. En'Var of course is one of the major fair periods where those who have turned of age, must make a pilgramage to the Sardar fairs.

While we do not have any confirmed celebrations from the books that take place in the month of July, you might find the actual En'Var fair take place.

One huge celebration of note, is not so much a gorean event, but it I believe it would fit well with Gorean thought. Relay for life ussually runs through the year until July 14th of 2013. In Gorean terms, the fourth passage hand of the month of En'Var.

If your curious about the Relay for life, check it out here

While John Norman has not written much about specific holidays during this time period in our month of July, we do know from hint dropped in Outlaw of Gor, that the Caste of Initiates does have a variety of feast and celebrations throughout the year. So it goes to reason, that each caste might have their own celebratory event. These however would not be strictly 'BY THE BOOK'.

Unless of course, Mr Norman decides to use it in a upcoming book.

Good luck this month with your event and celebrations!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Slave Discipline

Do you discipline your slave?

Do you humour her daily, hourly on what you allow?  Does she know that 'look' that tells her she has gone to far, does she whimper, knowing she has been displeasing?


Then your doing something wrong, in fact, your slave might well be laughing at you.

Fact is, while Goreans in general, are not cruel, and slaves in general do not feel the whip often across their flesh, the slave, in the books, knows full well that she is suscepital to it.  She recognises that for any reason, or for none at all, her owner, her Master might command her to bring it to him, and she might feel its caress across her body.  Across her flesh.

First, lets examine the Gorean whip.
The Gorean whip is not the typical whip you might bring to mind when mentioned. It is not a 'Indiana Jones' style bullwhip. Such a whip would tear flesh from the body of a man, much less a woman, especially when utilized improperly.
“If you are late by so much as five, Ehn, “ he called, “you will be caressed by the five fingers of leather.” This was an allusion to the Gorean five-strap slave whip, commonly used on girls because of the softness and width of its lashes. It punishes severely but, because of its construction, does not permanently mark the girl.
“I hurry, Master! I hurry!” cried Vella.
The man left.
Tribesmen of Gor pg(s) 314-315

The gorean whip is not what first comes to mind.  Its more nuanced, while effective its does no where near the damage of what most individuals think of in their minds eye, when it comes to disciplinary whipping.

"The other girl," she whispered, "is she unpleasant or difficult to get on with?"
"Perhaps," I said.
"Do you find her at times a bother, or troublesome?"
"Yes," I said.
"May I make a suggestion?" she asked.
"Yes," I said.
"Buy a whip," she said.

Rouge of Gor - Page 113

A household without a whip, without this prime disciplinary device, will create issues, the slave will become unpleasant or difficult to manage.  The mere fact that it exists in the home, is evidence to her that it can, and will at some time be used on her.

"Perhaps it should only be added that the Gorean Master, though strict, is seldom cruel. The girl knows, if she pleases him, her lot will be an easy one. She will almost never encountered sadism or wanton cruelty, for the psychological environment that tends to breed these diseases is largely absent from Gor. This does not mean that she will not expect to be beaten if she disobeys, or fails to please her Master."
Outlaw of Gor - Page 53
Cruelty on Gor is often disparaged in both lifestyle, and roleplay.  It simply is not supposed to exist.  While we battle our earthly habits and learnings, this is a matter of proof of self control Goreans have.  You might compare this to a man beating a child for discipline, verses, a man smacking a child on the ass, a couple times, and quickly stopping, setting limits on what he himself (or herself) commits on the individual needing discipline.
The whip on Gor, incidentally, though it is much in evidence, is seldom used. That it will be used, and promptly, if the occasion arises, is perhaps, paradoxically perhaps, why it seldom needs to be used. Most girls avoid feeling it, at least generally, by striving to be excellent slaves. To be sure, every female slave will have felt it, upon occasion. It is then common that they try to make certain that these occasions are quite infrequent. To be sure, some women do not fully understand they are owned, until they are whipped.
Vagabonds of Gor - Page 21
Again, proof the mere fact, that a whip exists, and is available for use by a slaves owner is enough for a slave to simply BE obedient.  Keep in mind, this requires the appropriate 'headspace' by the slave, if in roleplay.  Again, its encouraged that every woman, should feel the whip (the 5 bladed whip) at least once.

It is one thing to be subject to the whip, and to know that that subjection is quite real, that the master can, and will, whip you, and well, if you are not pleasing, and something else to be actually whipped.
Mercenaries of Gor - Page 420
The slave, that has not felt the whip, does not know she is subject to it, the slave that is not disciplined, gets spoiled, and tends to become increasingly difficult to manage.  In fact, it could be argued that you are spoiling, and ruining the slave for not only yourself, but for others.  The slave becomes damaged property, and, while in time this damage can be corrected, this damage might be repaired in time, but why should it?  Why should damage done to a slave, for lack of discipline, be repaired, and corrected?  The effort put forth, to whip, to discipline a slave, to let her know that she is, indeed, WORTH, being disciplined, in fact would do far more to increase her value, and improve her rather then do damage.  

Do not be afraid, to discipline, do not be afraid to show her you care by wielding the whip.  That is, unless your not really Gorean, that is, unless your slave is nothing more then a girlfriend, who has a great deal more say then Gor would allow.  Just dont try to claim, that she is a slave, cause both you, she, and everyone around you, will know otherwise, from her lack of discipline.